After posting blog like topics on the Front Row Crew Forum I though it was high time that I finaly start my own. With the long failure of a project of my website, Morio-kun, I thought that a blog would also seem appropriate since I have no clue how the hell to get Word Press to work.
Just to introduce myself. My real name is Forrest, I live I live in the Milwaukee area in Wisconsin. I'm just another punk 17 year old kind who probably, or does, think he knows everything. I usually spend my days playing video games, working on my computers, or hanging with friends. I like Anime, video games, Gundam, Dance Dance Revolution, and Macintosh computers. I'm Hard-of-hearing, which sometimes have causes me to have not so good grammer.
I'll try to post atleast once to twice a week, or when every I feel like.
Cheers! (or Later),
Forrest a.k.a Morio.