Thursday, June 18, 2009

Okay, This Time I'm Serious

I walked into the school field house with a blue, made in Mexico, cap and gown, received a legal document saying that I finished High School. Yep, I'm done. It's the first week of summer and I've done nothing but drink coffee, eat leftover chips from the weekend, and play Far Cry 2. I'm currently unemployed, even though I was offered a job at the shady Vector Marketing. I currently sit on a sent application awaiting a responses and have 3 to fill out. So, I told myself, I need to make some goals this summer, in particular order, before I head off to R.I.T. for College.

  • I'm gonna try and do a sketch or drawing or sorts, every other day. I will post them here and on Flickr, Morio Kun Studios.
  • I will try and do one blog post a week, to practice my spelling and grammar. I don't want to lose it before I go to College.
  • I will some way or another, legally make 3 grand for college. I need 2 new computers and a some spending money.
  • Other odds and ends to before I go to RIT.

Head on over to Twitter, if you want to see more general stuff, such as grips, moans, and questions. Follow me there at MorioKun. Keep an eye on my YouTube Channel MorioKun1 [link]. If you are a fan of Halo and want to be apart of the very small group Spartan Rouge (Red Spartan), go there.

Other than that, keep an eye on the Blog and bug me if I don't post. Please comment on the blog.

I'm out